Friday, January 25, 2008

Alive and well

I know you were all on pins and needles to hear that. I made it without any trouble (if you don't count the fact that the drivers are insane. When I reached for the seatbelt and realized there was no clasp, the driver said "no problem"--the first of many times I will hear that phrase, I am sure, since "no problem" and "okay" are the two English phrases everyone knows and uses abundantly, whether or not they apply). As we ran yet another red light while simultaneously crossing several lanes of traffic, I sort of felt like it was a problem, but I guess my opinion didn't count.

Going to bed to the sound of the morning call to prayer from the ubiquitous minarets...


Anonymous said...

Jenny!!!! I am so happy you made it! I miss you tons! love you!

Anonymous said...

I love you Jenn, wish I could be there too!

Anonymous said...


I miss you so much already. I still come home and go straight to your room to see if you are there. Have fun, be careful, keep blogging away.