Tonight, we decided to be good students and do we decided to order in food, because going out to dinner takes a lot of time (and we can't cook because our dorms don't have kitchens). Jillian called McDonald's.
Jillian: I'd like a chicken sandwich
McD: I'm sorry, chicken sandwich finished
Jillian: You don't have chicken sandwiches?
McD: No not tonight, only double chicken sandwich.
Jillian: Isn't a double chicken sandwich just two chicken sandwiches together?
McD: Yes.
Jillian: So can you just make it with one chicken instead of two?
McD: I'm sorry, this is not possible.
Jillian: But I just want a chicken sandwich.
McD: Chicken sandwich not available.
Jillian: Ok, I'll have the double chicken sandwich.
McD: You are welcome to McDonalds.
My friend Alex wanted to see a movie recommended to him by a friend. He called the cinema to find out what times the movie was playing. They told him it was playing that night at 9:00 and 10:30, but when he arrived at the cinema to purchase tickets, they told him that it hadn't been showing for a week!
We were headed to the British club for an ex-pat meet and greet. We knew that the British club was about 5 minutes away in Mohandiseen, but we didn't know its exact location. We asked a taxi driver whether he knew the location of the British club; he said yes, so we got in. After 20 minutes of driving around, he turned around to inform us that the British Club is not, in fact, in Mohandiseen, and that he was very sorry but he did not know where it was.
Tonight I was having shisha at a cafe with Alex, and I needed new coals, so I said "Excuse me" in Arabic to a man inside the cafe. He told me that he did not deal with Americans and that we were not welcome here. Alex asked him why, and he said "Because they are devils!" I am pretty sure, though, that he was wearing Nike shoes and a polo shirt. We weren't really sure how to respond since we had been sitting ther efor a while and would have needed to pay before walking off, so we just asked someone else and it wasn't an issue. Still, though, that is the most blatant anti-Americanism I've run into yet. (NB: That is atypical...most Egyptians, while usually game for a good round of Bush-bashing, are very friendly to Americans.)
In America, people find a way to trace most problems to the usual scapegoats like the Catholic church. Here, it is "The Jew" and "The Bush." A man who we met during our first two weeks told us over the course of our dinner conversation that "Israel and the Jews orchestrated 9/11. They want to reflect on the Muslims badness. I tell you, not a single Jewish person died in 9/11. They knew! They planned it!" I tried to tell him that you can't throw a penny in the financial district without hitting a Jewish person, but he was unconvinced.
We noted with excitement on the bus home from school that a Starbucks is opening in our neighborhood soon (although probably not soon enough for us to enjoy it--much to the benefit of our pocketbooks and waistlines.) One of our Egyptian friends on the bus exclaimed "No! You should
never go to Starbucks!" Puzzled, we asked why. "It is owned by the Jews! It is from Israel!" I don't think she found Jillian's explanation that it originated in Seattle persuasive!
Funny things like this happen all the time. The perfume salesman doesn't carry my brand "but might if I come back next week." The cell phone store doesn't sell pink phones but "will try to get one if I come back tomorrow." They mean it, too! In a lot of places if they don't have what you're looking for, all you need to do is ask and then wait a day. And you can get everything, I mean
everything delivered.